The close of Summer brings an end to relatively care-free days and the work and school schedules ramp up. You may find this time of year brings an increasing level of commitment to events, sports, work and upcoming Holidays. Back to school time often brings thoughts of homework, writing papers and being able to concentrate for longer periods of time. Some kids may struggle with this. If you find this overwhelming, stressful, or anxiety-inducing then we have the treatment for you!
For centuries, Traditional Chinese Medicine has recognized the link between mental/emotional health and physical health. Acupuncture is based on the theory that emotions are governed by specific Organs and when these are out of balance it creates dis-ease in the Body/Mind/Spirit. Acupuncture seeks to balance the flow of energy (Qi) in the body thereby regulating emotions. In Western medicine, acupuncture has been shown in research to affect the nervous system by releasing neuro-chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin which calm the Mind and relax the Body.
Here are some key points that can help you relax and improve concentration and focus.
### 1. Yintang (Extra-1)
  - Location: Between the eyebrows, also known as the "third eye" point.
  - Benefits: Yintang is known to calm the mind, relieve stress, and improve focus and concentration.
### 2. DU20 (Baihui)
  - Location: On the top of the head, along the midline.
  - Benefits: DU20 helps to lift energy, clear the mind, and promote alertness. It is often used for mental fatigue and poor concentration.
### 3. ST36 (Zusanli)
  - Location: On the lower leg, about four fingers' width below the knee and one finger's width lateral to the tibia.
  - Benefits: ST36 boosts energy, improves stamina, and helps enhance mental clarity and focus.
### 4. LI4 (Hegu)
  - Location: On the back of the hand, between the thumb and index finger.
  - Benefits: LI4 is a versatile point that helps with stress reduction, which in turn can improve mental clarity and focus.
### 5. SP6 (Sanyinjiao)
  - Location: About four fingers' width above the inner ankle bone, along the inner leg.
  - Benefits: SP6 is known for calming the mind and reducing anxiety, which can help improve concentration and mental focus.
### 6. PC6 (Neiguan)
  - Location: On the inner forearm, about three fingers' width from the wrist crease.
  - Benefits: PC6 is useful for calming the mind, reducing anxiety, and balancing emotions, all of which can improve focus.
### 7. KI1 (Yongquan)
  - Location: On the sole of the foot, about one-third of the way down from the base of the toes.
  - Benefits: KI1 is grounding and helps to calm the mind, making it useful for improving concentration.
### 8. BL10 (Tianzhu)
  - Location: At the base of the skull, about one thumb's width lateral to the midline.
  - Benefits: BL10 helps relieve tension and improve mental clarity.
Regular treatment can help maintain mental focus and concentration over time.
Please remember to seek treatment from a trained acupuncturist such as me! If you would like to discuss this or any other issue you may be having to see if acupuncture is right for you then please reach out.
Best of luck!